28 December 2012


Me, mom and sissy wanted to go iceskating today, but the ice was crappy crap. We decided to go for a walk instead and say hello to the horses. We gave them some hay to chew on and they let us touch their big noses.

22 December 2012

Welcome to the mountains

Me and my favorite Mona decided to watch the world go under from a mountain top. Although nothing happened and we had to walk all the way back down, it was a super nice hike.... and i guess we are glad to still be alive and stuff.

17 December 2012

Finally christmas

Back home in Norway, and it finally feels like christmas. It's so nice to put on lots of sweaters, drink hot chocolate, sit by the fire, light candles and breath the cold air. My lovely Malin smacked the christmas spirit right into me, and it feels gooood.

08 December 2012

Great Ocean Road

Me and Kine decided to rent a car and go for a roadtrip along the great ocean road. We both had to remind each other to KEEP LEFT when driving. It only happened twice that we pulled out onto the wrong side.. heh..
It's confusing. 

28 November 2012


Yesterday we went into the city and had a picnic down by the river. Jo made rainbow cupcakes the day before to make us fat for the winter coldness. Thaaank you jojo

25 November 2012

The Color Run

Yesterday we ran The Color Run! It is a charity event in Melbourne which supports the Australian Paralympic Committee. We had color in our ears, nose and in between our toes - that rimes. Hooray for colors!!

21 November 2012

Melbourne, I love you

We have finally arrived in Australia's hippest city, and we are lucky enough to be here for three weeks! Me and Kine have our own room at Jo's house where her mom is spoiling us with home cooked meals and red wine. We've only gotten to see a glimpse of the city so far, so we're glad we have so much time here. Hopefully we can squeeze in some camping and surfing if the weather is nice to us. Melbourne = so far, SO GOOD